In 1974, Gujarat Dairy Development Corporation (G.D.D.C) had established Bhavnagar dairy, which was running by The Bhavnagar Milk Union. Bhavnagar Dairy was selling milk and ghee in the Bhavnagar district by the brand name “Sauras”. By co-operative members of the district sell their milk to the Union and after the processing on the milk they sold it under the name of Bhavnagar dairy. In the year 1989 the highest milk is purchased from the co-operative members is 42500 liters and they sell all the purchased milk to the different areas of the districts. But somehow the years are passes the dairy’s production is going to the down. And after some crises government close the Bhavnagar Dairy on the date of 24/12/1999.
The Union was also enabling to do anything for the crisis of Bhavnagar dairy. When the Union is established in 1974 they take the responsibilities to solve the problems of their co-operative members, but somehow there are no action taken by them or may be there are not proper response from the government to save the Bhavnagar dairy and to help the small milk producers will.
Because of Bhavnagar dairy’s crises the producers of milk of the whole district are comes into financial crises because they hadn’t any option to sell their milk. After sometime the producers of the milk made a meeting in Jilla Panchayat’s ground and the majority of the producers give the responsibilities of reestablishment of Union to Mr. H. R. Joshi and Mr. M. P. Pandya. With the support of the political bodies like Mr. Rajendrashinh Rana and Mr. Mahendrabhai Panot of Bhavnagar district. Mr.H.R. Joshi and Mr.M.P.Pandya send an application to the Gujarat Govt. for the reestablishment of Union in the district. But on the temporary basis government thigh up producers of milk of Bhavnagar district with the Uttam Dairy, Ahemdabad. And government also form a government body under the president ship of Mr. V.C.Joshi to take care the responsibilities of Bhavnagar districts producer and Uttam Dairy, and work as mediator between these two.
Mr.H.R.Joshi and Mr.M.P.Pandya are the main body of all these work and they are the person’s behalf of the milk producers of Bhavnagar district they started to sell the milk produced by the district to the Uttam Dairy on the date of 3/1/2000 and on the date of 14/4/ 2001 Uttam Dairy established a chilling center in Talaja near Bhavnagar City.
This system is temporary. So for a permanent body behalf of milk producers must required to form. For these purpose the meeting of milk producers is held under the chairman ship of Mr. Mahendrabhai Panot. The registrar of Bhavnagar city Mr. K.B.Upadhyay is also support and guides the milk producers for the further progress. At the end on the date 27/6/2001 under the registration no: REDG. / U 28701 the Union is formed second time.
But because of handling of the milk is done by Uttam Dairy, the Union is started to make the members at co-operative level and after sometime they provide animal food and other basic things to their members so that the number of members will increase.
At the end with the help of Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (G.C.M.M.F.) the meeting is held between Mr. Mohanbhai Bharwad, the Chairman of Uttam Dairy and Mr. Mahendrabhai Panot, the Chairman of Bhavnagar District Co-operative Milk Producer’s Union Limited, In the meeting it was decided that the chilling center, which was developed by Uttam Dairy and the other dead stock, was purchased by the Union and they start production in Talaja on the rented land. On the date 21/11/2004 the Union is started again and was also started its production and distribution system and by the profit which was made by selling the different items under the name of Sarvottam Dairy was used in the purchasing the land near Sihor and the new plant is established on the date 12/12/05.